5 Tips to Keep You Healthy, Safe and Moving Optimally This Weekend

The weekend is here, which means more time to get out and get those muscles moving! As you head into the weekend, make sure you are staying safe and taking the precautions you need to avoid injury. Below are 5 tips our physical therapists recommend to avoid injury and keep you doing the things you love without pain: 

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  1. Warm Up

    Allowing yourself 10-15 minutes for a dynamic warm up wakes up your joints and increases blood flow to your muscles before an activity. Include a variety of movements so that you cover multiple muscle groups. Some good examples of dynamic warm-up exercises include: light jogging, skipping, hip circles, shoulder circles, lunges, and lateral side stepping. 

  2. Listen to Your Body

    It is important to listen to your body and know your limits. Powering through discomfort can lead to greater risk of injury and threaten your ability to continue to participate in your activity. If you suspect injury, schedule an appointment with a medical professional, such as your physical therapist. 

  3. Build Up Your Activity Level Slowly

    As you make the transition from summer sports to winter activity, it is important to realize you may be using new muscle groups that have been dormant. Allow yourself time to build muscle strength and endurance appropriately before fully jumping into a new activity. 

  4. Fine Tune Your Technique

    When performing repetitive activity (such as motions used in golf or tennis) with poor technique, you are feeding improper muscle firing patterns and drastically increasing your risk for injury. Check in with your coach or physical therapist to fine tune your form and ensure you are performing optimally for your sport. 

  5. Stretch Following Activity 

    Research suggests that static stretching before your exercise may not be beneficial, but stretching after activity while your muscles are warm can help to decrease soreness and help with your overall recovery. 

If you have concerns, would like an individualized warm up and cool down routine, or have injured yourself and need further help returning to what you love, contact the experts at CompassPT.