Help Us Fight the 9% Cut

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We’re used to helping others, but we find ourselves needing to reach out to you for help. A scheduled upcoming 9% cut to Medicare payments for physical and occupational therapy would negatively impact rehab therapy and therapists’ abilities to continue providing care to those who need it. This cut will take effect on January 1, 2021, if no action is taken by Congress or the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. Your lawmakers need to hear from patients like you about how critical rehab therapy is to your health and the importance of continued access to care. 

In less than two minutes, you can send a letter to your lawmakers in Congress asking them to oppose the Medicare cuts. Simply click one of the links below or double your efforts and click both:

American Physical Therapy Associations Action Center (APTA)

Alliance for Physical Therapy Quality and Innovation (APTQI)

At a time where clinics are struggling financially, a 9% Medicare cut could cripple the rehab industry, and the therapists you’ve come to know and appreciate. You can help them by lending your voice to this incredibly important cause!

In gratitude, 

The CompassPT Team